Running Your Online Agency Like a Call Center

Modern Life Insurance Selling Podcast


This week, we’re going to do something a little bit different. I’ve invited Gary Wallace on to the show to have a candid discussion about working in a life insurance call center. Gary and I used to work in a life insurance call center together, and he actually trained me to sell life insurance over the phone. We’ll talk about production and compensation, how to streamline your systems and processes, and why independent life insurance agents should be running their business more like a life insurance call center operates.

People in the episode:

Mentioned on this episode:

Recent Action in the Sell Term Life Community:

The major discussions in the Sell Term Life Community this week can teach you:

  • This week, Our Sagicor thread is taking off. We’re discussing their new immediate decision, no-medical exam life insurance policy product and posting any niches and great approvals we’re recieving. There have been some unexpected difficulties with the launch of the product, but it is a great product to have based on the no-exam pricing.
  • There was a topic on managing your pipeline and optimizing it for higher placement ratios. The more policies that go from submitted to placed, the more money you make.
  • We also have a live case study of a facebook ads campaign. I’m sharing all the details of ad copy, image selection, click-throughs, and most importantly, cost and conversions of the  campaign I’m running.
  • American General is stepping up their game for a couple health impairments. Our American General Sweet Spots thread was updated with some great approvals that no other company can touch.

Learn how you can get access to these discussions, a powerful community of like-minded life insurance agents, and much much more by visiting the SellTermLife Community.

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